Do Not Conflate Female Emancipation With The Sexual Revolution

Sayde Scarlett
3 min readOct 3, 2022
© Pavel3d / Shutterstock

It has become popular in some darker corners of the internet — especially the so-called ‘manosphere’ — to rage against feminism and how it is allegedly responsible for societal decline. On further examination, however, people who decry feminism or call themselves anti-feminist aren’t objecting to every facet of feminism at all. If you were to point out, for example, that women could not take out their own line of credit without their husband’s or father’s permission in the USA until 1974, most rightminded people would find it absurd that such a rule was only overturned so recently. The 1974 Fair Credit Opportunity Act was a landmark in the Female Emancipation movement that had begun two centuries before. It is not this type of feminism that contemporary anti-feminists rage against. Opponents of contemporary feminism are overwhelmingly opponents of the Sexual Revolution rather than opponents of Female Emancipation even though both fall under feminism as an umbrella term.

Only the most extreme fringe misogynists actually object to Female Emancipation

The removal of former kickboxer Andrew Tate and his extreme misogynistic content from most social media sites was both alarming and comforting at the same time. At first, it horrified me that such a person could gain…



Sayde Scarlett

Author and poet by day; artist by night. Loves to tell stories and create art; loves to talk about stories and creating art.