Kylie Minogue And Why Traditional Marriage Is Not A Male Fantasy

So why do they push it so hard on women?

Sayde Scarlett
7 min readOct 13, 2023

If you haven’t heard of the pop culture podcast Sentimental Garbage, then you are missing out on a good thing, indeed! The latest episode of the show was one of the best. It discussed music legend Kylie Minogue.

Kylie has always been one of my favourite pop stars, ever since her comeback in the early 2000s. Even when I was a teenager, I remember hating the criticism of her outfits (those awesome gold hot pants…) and people calling her “too old” at the ripe old age of 35. This despite her being a total babe to anyone who had functioning eyes.

Gone was the 80s perm and the awful clothes; this was the beginning of Kylie’s prime.

Another discourse that surrounded Kylie's pop comeback was her perpetual unmarried state. Why, the tabloids would lament, does she want a pop comeback at her age? Why doesn’t she want to settle down and have babies like a normal woman? The podcast episode discusses this pernicious narrative at length.



Sayde Scarlett

Author and poet by day; artist by night. Loves to tell stories and create art; loves to talk about stories and creating art.